We have been informed of a couple of key points. And, we will keep these in mind for our first blog on the new site of the new year and new season. Point #1 blogging is 'so 2008'. Point #2 is to keep the written word at between 4 and 6 paragraphs. Otherwise, with the short attention span of people in the digital age, you will lose your audience. We might attempt video and sound later.
Paragraph #2 since you are counting. We have all of the same sponsors, minus our title sponsor from the last 2 years. We are in search of a title sponsor to replace them, but it has been tough. Thankfully all of our 2013 sponsors and suppliers are back on board. We have posted them to our sponsors page, please patronize them...in the good way. Don't be patronizing. No day by day summary here. They make great products. We would buy them if we weren't sponsored by them...in a few cases we used them before the sponsorship.
Paragraph #3 which means we are between 1/2 and 2/3 of the way done. We have posted our schedules...or at least Amy has posted her schedule. After a couple of traumatic years of racing in Europe, she is planning to return to Germany to race the European IM Championships in Frankfurt. Her goal, once again this year, is to compete at 70.3 Worlds and the IM World Championships. Yes compete, there are no training races. Brandon is still working on his schedule. His main goal is IM Texas in The Woodlands in May. Who doesn't love Texas in May! He grew up just an hour or so south of The Woodlands, so he always enjoys racing there.
Paragraph #4, closer still. Are you still paying attention? We have a new website. A local company, Spacecraft got us a fresh new update. If you are a pro (or anyone else for that matter) contact them if you want an easy to use, easily integratable, fresh new look. Did we mention it's easy to use? We are still trying to break it. We have just about everything we can think of here. An Instagram a day. A Team-Marsh FB link at the bottom of every page. A blog even though they went out of style in '08. Galleries. Coaching. IMTX anyone? Check it. Book Mark it.
Paragraph #5. There is no paragraph #5.