
Kona 2014

The picture was posted to twitter by Declan Doyle. Kind of funny. Kind of true. Kona is where even the pros feel out of shape.



It was not in my plans for the year. I am neck deep in my last IM build of the season. Ironman Arizona. I will toe the line with probably 50+ of my closest friends who are throwing up a hail mary pass for the end of their seasons. Some will have f-ed up Kona and show up at AZ. Others might not have and will show up. All will be hoping for points for next years Kona race.

Amy is NOT racing Kona this year either. It WAS in her plan if she qualified. Long story short she was 5th at the regional in Germany in a decent but not great season. That put her a few spots out of making the first round of qualifying. She raced Calgary 3 weeks later knowing that she would need a win to get to Kona. She was 5th. She did not make the first cut and even without racing in August missed the 2nd one by about 5 spots. No Kona, no chasing points. And, somewhere along the way she had a case of shingles show up. So, even had she qualified...she might have turned down her spot since it would have been overly questionable if she would have been able to start. #GrumpyMarsh.

Like I said, I am neck deep in an IM build. Amy is training lightly and enjoying things right now. She raced a cyclocross race last weekend, and was 9th in the Women's 3/4 category. Not bad for someone who has a tough time turning on the roads!! :)

Stay tuned. We'll try to keep it updated. Kona? We're watching from afar. With AZ coming up and the sheer expense of the trip, we opted to stay here in Austin since neither of us were racing. I write this just before heading out on a mid-week long ride. Hopefully the ride will result in some type of 70.3 Austin preview as I am taking the Shimano camera that ATC has.